Come visit the "back porch" of 66 Franklin Street!
During the "Boarding House Years" the residents kept to themselves.
And as citizens are free to do, the enjoyed the music from their boombox,
they savored their cold beers, the smoked cigarettes of various leaves,
and smoked from small glass pipes. Speaking for myself, I saw no reason
to file any complaint with the SSPD or any other agency.
To me, it was just another legal apartment building.
I was wrong.
Five years after the illegal boarding house was cited and emptied
the once-lively porch looked like this on April 17, 2011--
The building's physical structure suffered from neglect by all Owners.
In a pro-active attempt to save the "Historic Structure," the President of the
Saratoga Springs Preservation Foundation made a legally-binding "INDENTURE"
back in 1980...a 25-year agreement...where the Owner granted to SSPF--
" easement, more particularly described hereafter, for the purpose
of preserving, protecting, and maintaining the historical, architectural,
and cultural values of the said property for the continuing benefit of
the people of Saratoga Springs."
"All structures now on the premises shall be kept and maintained
in reasonably good order, condition and repair. In the event of a violation,
Representatives of (SSPF) may enter the premises, correct any such violation,
and hold the (Owner or any future Owner) responsible for the cost thereof."
It would appear that the SSPF bit off a wee bit more than it could handle.
Notice the myriad structural exterior failures seen in this view of the
NorthEast corner-- The gutters, soffits, trim, gables, roofing...
and everything else as it appeared on April 17, 2011--
The current Owner has done a remarkable job of securing the building.
Every time a homeless vagrant breaks in by prying the plywood off,
the Owner or his agents are quick to replace the plywood.
In fact, this recent RED plywood replaced the brown unpainted
plywood that was pried off last week by a vagrant who made a home
on the third floor until he was discovered by workmen on the morning
of Friday April 15. He immediately ran off, repairs were made that day.
The northern side of the structure escaped the scrutiny of SSPF for the
25-year term of the agreement and appears to have suffered the most damage
over the years. All of this broken, dried and flammable wood is within feet
of the south wooden exterior of the restored gem at 2 Franklin Square.
This is the neglected northern face of 66 as it appeared on April 17, 2011--
Oddly enough, the current representatives of SSPF seem
to have no knowledge of the agreement made on May 10, 1980...
the "INDENTURE" they negotiated for the sole purpose of watching
and monitoring the building for 25 years, where SSPF would take care
to diligently maintain "the historical, architectural, and cultural value"
of 66 Franklin Street.
So for their benefit, I am pleased and honored to present the document
signed by SSPF President Thomas Gardner and Owner Alvin A. Watson
on May 10, 1980. The original agreement is filed with the
available in BOOK #1040, pages 698 through 703--
It would seem "odd" to suggest SSPF contributed to this textbook example
of "Demolition by Neglect." But due to SSPF inattention, the structure is a HAZARD.
The City does not need to file an appeal to the ruling of Judge Nolan.
The City does not need to get Demolition Approval from the DRC.
The City need only support Code Enforcement by initiating a § 382 proceeding.
We neighbors, citizens, and taxpayers can only trust in
the professionalism and personal character of
Public Safety Commissioner Richard Wirth,
a Public Servant empowered to act while lawyers play games--
TITLE 6: The Commissioner of Public Safety
"The Commissioner of Public Safety shall be responsible for the protection of City residents and their property from fire, hazard, and natural disasters. The Commissioner of Public Safety shall have and exercise the duties, powers, and responsibilities enumerated in this Charter and the laws of New York State."
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